
Showing posts from June, 2009

"I Believe I Can Fly"

Do you ever feel like you're trapped in a hopelessly ordinary life? The tedium of your day to day responsibilities weighs you down like a millstone around your neck when you think of the dreams and passions you had in your youth. Maybe you dreamed of being a social activist, a political leader, a missionary, or a well-known writer, and now you're just an average Joe with an average job and a family to take care of. With all the routine busyness of everyday life, you've stopped pursuing or even thinking much about your grand dreams. Maybe you do still cherish some secret passions, but have stopped believing that you will ever achieve anything. You doodle endlessly in the margins of your notebook at staff meetings, but don't take the idea of drawing for a living seriously. You send money to World Vision, but never go yourself to see, hear, touch the people in desperate need. You write songs that you might share with a few friends, but don't take the leap of pursuing a...

A Child Of Virtue

Lately I've been letting my girls watch TV a little more, to wind down for nap time as well as to distract them before dinner. I know it's not the best thing for them, but it has been good for me for a couple of reasons. First (and most obviously), it helps me maintain my sanity during times when the kids are prone to crankiness. Second, since we don't actually have television per se, they are watching videos and DVDs that I have picked out for them. Shows like Franklin, Winnie The Pooh, Davey & Goliath, and the ubiquitous (in our house) VeggieTales. Shows that make me think about what I am teaching my kids. It has got me thinking about values education - how we can raise our children to be children of virtue. Children who are truthful, kind, compassionate, helpful, patient, generous, and courageous. Maybe this is shooting for the moon, when we adults can't even live up to these on a daily basis. Do you think it's unrealistic? At least no parent would say these ...

Honey, I Don't Have A Headache Tonight

Father's Day is coming up, and this year, why not get something that YOU read (or listen to), and HE reaps the rewards from? If you want to stop your marriage from fizzling and start it sizzling, I've got the answer for you! He says, "you’re never in the mood." She says, "That's all you ever think about!" It’s a conflict as old as time. We’re told "opposites attract", but given time and circumstance, what once lured you in, can quickly lure you out. But you don't have to be stuck in this trap! Sheila's book, Honey, I Don't Have a Headache Tonight: Help for women who want to feel more in the mood, can help you solve this impasse! It's fun, real, and extremely practical. I love this book, and I know it can help your marriage. I know, because Sheila, the author, didn't always have a great marriage. She's not "talking down" to you. She wrote it as a research project to help herself. And her husband says he definit...

I'm Taking Up Smoking!

In case you haven't heard, there's a new fad out there that is taking the world by storm... at least the teen and pre-teen world. Normally I'm not big on youth trends, but for this one I may make an exception. The latest craze is...? Smoking Smarties. Or if you're Canadian (as I am), smoking Rockets. I'm not kidding, this is what the 8-15 year olds of America are really into. And as usual the media and school administrations are wayyy overreacting. Dire health warnings range from the ridiculous (smoking Smarties can give you respiratory infections) to the bizarre (maggots may nest in your nose)! And me, I'm just amazed at how the kids look to be the more mature ones in this discussion. In fact, this pop culture phenomenon is one of the least unhealthy activities that kids could indulge in these days. "Smoking" candy is basically just crushing it up in the wrapper, sucking a bit of the sugary powder into your mouth (think Pixie Sticks), and letting the ...